viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Different forms of communicate

If I wake up in a country where an unknown language is spoken probably I would try many different ways to communicate with people. The first thing I would do is to find a library to buy a dictionary, but this would be complicated because I don't know how to pronounce words.  
Another way could be to use hand signals, but this would be difficult because the signs are different around the world; for example, some signals means something in specific country but in other country, this could have a completely different meaning.if nothing of this works I would take a pen and paper and draw what I mean to other people be able to understand me (I hope people understand my drawings because I'm not a good drawer)

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

5 Costarricanism

Well, in this little blog I am going to teach you a few phrases that people use in Costa Rica, these are:-Soltar el perro: to pay back the money lent. For example: John "soltó el perro" to her sister, Monica.
-Aplanchar la oreja: Go to sleep. For example: My sister is going to "aplanchar la oreja".
-Colgar las tennis: When a person goes to die. For example: My neighbor is close to "colgar las tennis".
-Detras del palo: You say this to a person who is very disoriented or never understands anything. For example: I told him a joke and he is "detras del palo".
-Hablar por los codos: Is a person who talk a lot. For example: David always talking, He "habla por los codos".
These are some of many phrases that people usually use in Costa Rica. 

viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

What country would you want to be?

I love be Costa Rican but, If I would have the opportunity to choose my nationality probably I'd choose the spanish culture.
I would have liked to be born in Spain because I really like some tradition and the culture of that country. My main reasons why I chose Spain are their food like the "paella", it's so delicious; their traditions like the popular "corridas" (this is when the people runs with some bulls to get into the stadium) it's so excited; or their typical dance "the Flamenco", this is a very interesting dance accompanied with a guitar and a singer, that should be fun; and other reason is their main sport, the Soccer. The soccer in this country is one of the best in the world and I think that there is the best teams in the world: "FC Barcelona" and "Real Madrid FC".
That are just a few reasons why I'd like be spanish without considerate their good people and their fascinating history.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Princess or peasant?

I think that if I would have to choose between be the peasant or princess I would choose be the peasant because the princess has to take a very difficult decision because she knows what is behind the door so, she can decide if the boy die or get married with other women. On the other hand, the decision of the peasant is not easy but is better than the decision of the princess because the peasant does not know in which door is the woman so, he just has to choose a door and that's it.
If I were the peasant probably I would be very scared but I'd choose any door waiting to see a beautiful lady.

viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

My Daily Diet

Usually I eat healthy food because my parents do not cook junk food. Normally the "chefs" in my house are my parents because they like to cook everyday and I have to say that they are very good cooks. On weekdays my dad buy the ingredients and my mom cooking that at night and weekends my father cook the lunch and dinner. All mornings, in breakfast, I often eat cereal with milk and sometimes "Gallo Pinto" and orange juice.
But I not only eat in my house, on weekdays (from Monday to Friday) I eat in the high school because the schedule is all day, so I have to eat there.
 Normally in the high school the food is the same each month, for example, every day I eat rice, beans, salad and other things like spaghetti, platain, meat and others... When I want snacks I eat some cookies, potatoe chips and juice.
On weekends sometimes I go to eat junk food for example hamburgers, pizza, chicken and "burritos" in the best restaurants of junk food like McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell but I eat there rarely.
I feel that my diet is good but we need to be careful what we eat because our health is very important in the life.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

My Favorite Country

Someday in my life I would like to visit any European country, but my favorite is Italy.
Italy is my favorite country because it has many monuments, some kinds of food and there are a lot of things to do.
If I visit Italy, the first thing that I want to do is going to meet the mains monuments of this country like the coliseum, Pisa Tower, and the most famous soccer stadiums in Italy.
Other place that I want to visit is Venecia, because I want to meet the city traveling in a boat.
Another reason for I want to visit Italy is for their food; I really like the pasta such as pizza, lasagna, cannelloni, wine…
I hope that one day I would can visit this wonderful country; but first I have to work hard and save enough money to make my dream a reality.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011


All things that we do needs the technology; Food, clothing, housing, personal security, social relations, understanding of natural and social world are some of the things that need technology. 
 From our past technology has been very important because for this, people have been able to make amazing discoveries and inventions have changed our lives, for example the first telephone and the first car.
Nowadays the technology have a lot of influence in our society and around the world because almost everything works with technology and I don´t think that people stop to using it.
In my opinion, technology helps a lot in my life in many aspects: education because with the internet I can do homeworks and do researchs; enterteinment because I can play videogames with a console or in the computer and also I can have fun watching TV and listen to music; in my daily life because I can use numerous devices that make my life easier.
Finally I want to emphasize that everybody needs the techonology, from cooking an egg to going to work. Without technology civilization may collapse.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


I was born on February 19, 1993. I grew up with my family in my native town, San José.
When I was a little boy, I remember that I enjoyed a lot my childhood with my parents and my sister, my neighborhood´s friends, my school´s classmates and other members of the family like cousins.
I started the school when I was 7 years old and I can remember the first day of school, I was so scared but happy because I was going to meet new people. In 2006 I started the high school, which was other big step because this meant a new phase in my short life.
In all my years of study I got great scores and finally I am in my last year of high school.

 In my personal life I considerate that I had a beautiful life, because I have a lot of things that makes me happy like my friends, my family, I have a home and I live with God in my heart.
Right now, I am 18 years old, I live with my parents and my younger sister, I am in my last year in high school and I am so excited to study in the university and get a job where I can make money to have a great future.